Reset 676

  1. 52-year cycle of cataclysms
  2. 13th cycle of cataclysms
  3. Black Death
  4. Justinianic Plague
  5. Dating of Justinianic Plague
  6. Plagues of Cyprian and Athens
  1. Late Bronze Age collapse
  2. 676-year cycle of resets
  3. Abrupt climate changes
  4. Early Bronze Age collapse
  5. Resets in prehistory
  6. Summary
  7. Pyramid of power
  1. Rulers of foreign lands
  2. War of classes
  3. Reset in pop culture
  4. Apocalypse 2023
  5. World infowar
  6. What to do

Apocalypse 2023

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, „They were given authority over a quarter of the earth, to kill with sword, famine, and plague, and by means of the beasts of the earth.” (Book of Revelation 6:8)
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In this chapter, I will present my predictions about the course of events during the reset. Thanks to this, you will know how to prepare to increase your chances of survival. I will present here the most likely version of events, which is based on knowledge of past global cataclysms.

As we know, the eruption of the Tambora volcano in 1815 occurred 3 years and 7 months before the end of the 52-year cycle, and it was the earliest cataclysm relatively to this cycle. In contrast, the cataclysm that happened at the latest was the New York Railroad Superstorm of 1921, which happened as late as 1 year and 5 months before the end of the cycle. These two time points mark the beginning and end of the period of cataclysms lasting about 2 years and 2 months. In the current cycle, the period of cataclysms runs from February 2023 to April 2025. And this period I hereby declare as the time of the reset, or if you prefer, the time of the apocalypse. However, it is possible that severe disasters will start a few months later. In any case, the center of the reset will be in March 2024. It should also be remembered that the effects of natural disasters, plague and political changes will remain with us long after the Earth has calmed down.

The table showing the cycle of resets indicates that the current reset will take the maximum possible force. Sometimes the cycle of resets shifts; is ahead or running late. When that happens, the reset may turn out to be weaker than the table predicts. However, I don’t think it will be the case this time. The eruption of the Tambora volcano, which took place at the very beginning of the cataclysmic period, shows that only two hundred years ago, the cycle was not late. And the date of the New York Superstorm, which fell at the very end of the period of cataclysms, proves that only a hundred years ago, the cycle was not ahead expected time. And since the cycle is neither late nor ahead, that means that it is going exactly as planned. The reset will be really powerful! And the worst thing is that during the current reset, we will have to deal not only with natural disasters, but also with a state that is waging a war of attrition against us.

Volcanic eruptions

Although the apocalypse will begin in earnest in 2023, the first disasters may occur sooner. In fact, they have already started! The first was the massive volcanic eruption in Tonga. On January 15, 2022, a very large eruption began on Hunga Tonga – Hunga Ha’apai, an uninhabited volcanic island of the Tongan archipelago in the southern Pacific. The plume from this eruption rose to a height of 58 km (36 mi), reaching all the way to the mesosphere. The dust cloud seen in the photo is about 500 km wide, so it could cover an entire medium-sized country.(ref.)

The blast was heard as far away as Alaska, nearly 10,000 km away, and was the loudest event since the eruption of the Indonesian volcano Krakatau in 1883. Fluctuations in air pressure were recorded all over the world, as the pressure wave has fully circled the globe several times. The eruption threw 10 km³ of volcanic ash and was rated 5 or 6 on the Volcanic Explosivity Index. It was as strong as the 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo.(ref.) The 4km-wide island of Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai was obliterated in the eruption, as shown in satellite imagery from January 6 (left) and January 18 (right).

The eruption caused a tsunami in the Pacific. The Tongan government confirmed that waves of up to 15 m (49 ft) struck the west coast of the Tongan archipelago. In Japan, 230 thousand residents were evacuated due to the threat of a tsunami. Two people drowned in Peru when a 2-meter-high (6 ft 7 in) wave hit the coast. In the same country, the tsunami waves caused an oil spill, moving a ship transporting oil. The spill affected sea, beach-coastal strip, and protected natural areas in Peru. The eruption may have a cooling effect in the Southern Hemisphere, causing slight cooling of winters. A cooling effect of 0.1–0.5 °C (0.18–0.90 °F) may last for several months.

The eruption was not record-breaking in terms of volume of material ejected, but it was exceptionally strong. An ash ejection of this height had never been recorded before. It was a truly apocalyptic eruption, which shows us that the interplanetary magnetic field has already begun to affect the Earth. And this influence is constantly increasing. I think that powerful, disastrous cataclysms can already happen at any moment.

Former resets such as the Justinianic Plague, the Late Bronze Age collapse, or the transition from prehistory to history, were associated with a big climate shock that scientists try to explain by a great volcanic eruption. In none of these cases, however, they are able to find the volcano that would be responsible for this shock. In fact, although volcanic eruptions are closely related to the 52-year cycle, there is no evidence that any significant eruption ever occurred in the 676-year cycle. In my opinion, these climate shocks were caused by the impacts of large meteorites. Therefore, I believe that there is a quite low probability that a major volcanic eruption with a magnitude of VEI-7 will occur during the next reset.

Geomagnetic storms

Solar flares and coronal mass ejections usually occur during the phase of solar maximum, which repeats approximately every 11 years. We are currently in a phase of increasing solar activity, and we can expect the solar cycle to reach its maximum between 2024 and 2026, which is in the time of the reset. Since September 2020, solar activity has been continuously exceeding NASA’s official forecasts. Since the beginning of 2022, there were outbursts on the Sun almost every day, some of which have been exceptionally strong.

The solar activity during the current cycle. (ref.)
Monthly values, Smoothed monthly values, Predicted values.

Solar flares and coronal mass ejections are the main drivers of space weather. Plasma from these outbursts carries the solar magnetic field far into space. During the peak phase of solar activity, when solar outbursts are frequent, the strength of the interplanetary magnetic field increases about twofold.(ref.) For this reason, the cataclysms during the upcoming reset may turn out to be even more intense than it would only result from the indications of the 676-year cycle. So it seems that this reset will be as powerful as the strongest resets in history, and will most likely surpass the scale of destruction known from the Black Death period. However, it can be said with certainty, that high solar activity will cause frequent geomagnetic storms on Earth.

Solar flares and geomagnetic storms are closely related to the 52-year cycle of cataclysms. Strong storms occurred in 1921 and 1972, that is in both recent periods of cataclysms. Such phenomena are also closely related to the 676-year cycle, which is confirmed by records of chroniclers. During previous resets, they observed numerous auroras, most likely caused by extremely intense coronal mass ejections. In 2024, all cycles associated with eruptions on the Sun will reach their maximum. So magnetic storms will definitely occur, and they will be very powerful! It is also worth noting that the Earth’s magnetic field has been weakening for some time. Over the past 150 years, it has weakened by 10%, making our natural shield less resilient to solar eruptions.(ref.)

Let me start with the good news. Well, during intense geomagnetic storms, auroras will be visible not only near the poles, but also at low latitudes, that is, almost all over the world. During the Carrington Event, the aurora was visible even in Hawaii.(ref.) Here the good news end.

Northern lights in Paris – an artist’s vision.(ref.)

(ref.)It has been suggested that a geomagnetic storm on the scale of the Carrington Event today would cause billions or even trillions of dollars in losses. It could damage satellites, power grids, and radio communications, and could cause electrical blackouts on a massive scale, that might not be repaired for weeks, months, or even years. Such sudden power outages may threaten food production. Damage to communications satellites can disrupt non-terrestrial telephone, television, radio and internet links. According to the National Academy of Sciences, a solar superstorm could also cause global Internet outages lasting for months.

When magnetic field move about in the vicinity of a conductor such as a wire, a geomagnetically induced current is generated in the conductor. This happens on a grand scale during geomagnetic storms on all long transmission lines. Long transmission lines (many kilometers in length) are thus subject to damage by this effect. In particular, this mainly affects operators in China, North America, and Australia. The European grid consists mainly of shorter transmission circuits, which are less vulnerable to damage. The electric currents induced in these lines by geomagnetic storms are harmful to electrical transmission equipment, especially transformers, causing coils and cores to heat up. In extreme cases, this heat can disable or destroy them.

Visualization of London during an electrical blackout.

The extent of possible disruption is debated. According to a study by Metatech corporation, a storm with a strength comparable to that of 1921 would destroy more than 300 transformers in the United States alone and leave over 130 million people without power, inflicting losses of several trillion dollars. Some congressional testimony indicates a potentially indefinite outage, lasting until transformers are replaced or repaired. These predictions are contradicted by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation report that concludes that a geomagnetic storm would cause temporary grid instability but no widespread destruction of high-voltage transformers. The report points out that the well-known grid collapse in Quebec was not caused by overheating transformers, but by the near-simultaneous failure of seven relays. By receiving alerts and warnings about geomagnetic storms via space weather satellites such as SOHO or ACE, energy companies can minimize damage to power transmission equipment by momentarily disconnecting transformers and inducing temporary power blackouts.

As you can see, opinions about the effects of magnetic storms differ. Some experts even scare us with a few years without electricity. In my opinion, such a long time without electricity would be more harmful to the system than to people. People without electricity will survive, but corporations and the state will not. After all, brainwashing works with electricity. After a few years without propaganda from television and the internet, people would become completely normal and the system would not survive that. They would not take such risks. I think that during magnetic storms, the power grids will be shut down to prevent damage. You can expect recurring power outages, lasting for a few or a dozen days each time.

Many European countries are already preparing the public for a power blackout. Warnings for residents were issued by: Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Spain and Poland.(ref.) A researcher at Spain’s largest public research institution, Antonio Turiel, believes that all European countries are vulnerable to power shortages. He emphasizes that interruptions in electricity supplies will last from several days to even several weeks. Swiss authorities say this will happen in the coming years – by 2025. The local government argues that fears of power shortages are related to problems in updating energy agreements with the European Union. Authorities are also warning against using cars during a power blackout. Their explanation is, among others, that the traffic lights will not work. Information videos on the power blackout show soldiers with gas masks. In this way, the authorities are trying to accustom us to the fact that during a power blackout, for some reason, there will be poisoned air and large movements of troops.(ref.) It seems that in some countries, the authorities are already testing people’s behavior in the event of a power blackout. In June 2019, electricity was turned off for 12 hours across Argentina, Uruguay and parts of Paraguay.

A very realistic description of the course of a power blackout was presented by Marc Elsberg in his novel Power Blackout – Tomorrow will be too late”. It turns out that the lack of electricity is a problem much bigger than just the lack of lighting, internet and television. Without electricity, all household electrical appliances stop working, including the refrigerator, stove, and washing machine. Central heating also is not working without electricity, no matter what energy source is used to power it. The temperature in the apartments is gradually dropping, and soon the hot water runs out as well. After a day or two, the pumps in the waterworks stop working, leaving households without water at the tap and in the toilet flush. After 2–3 hours, the batteries in the cell phone towers run down, so any phone calls are no longer possible. When there is a power cut, pharmacies stop dispensing medicines, as all patient records are stored on computers. After only two days, hospitals begin to run out of fuel for emergency generators. All medical electrical equipment stops working, so emergency treatments are no longer performed. The first hospital patients, nursing home residents and accident victims begin to die.

Immediately after the power is cut, trains and subways stop operating, and huge traffic jams form on the streets due to the failure of traffic lights. Gas stations stop dispensing fuel due to the failure of fuel pumps. ATMs and checkout systems in stores also stop working. Soon, the first people are running out of food and drinking water. Supermarkets are selling goods, but only for cash. People without cash get nothing. After a few days, the supermarkets are empty, bacause all goods have either been sold out or stolen. New deliveries do not arrive, because the entire logistics system has collapsed due to the lack of electricity. In addition, the trucks will soon run out of fuel. After just a few hours, considerable problems in agriculture begin. Without electricity, cows cannot be milked. Ventilation fails on cow and poultry farms, so animals begin to die en masse from overheating and suffocation. Even if the power blackout lasts only for a few days, life will not immediately return to normal. Fresh food in warehouses has spoiled due to the lack of refrigeration. Warehouses and production plants must first be cleaned and disinfected. It will take several days before food production can resume. After that, it will take another days, if not weeks, until all supermarkets are supplied with sufficient goods. After a power outage of several days, it will take weeks before normality returns.


Central Italy earthquake measuring 6.2 Mw in August 2016
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As the influence of the planets on the Earth increases, the threat of severe earthquakes will increase. It seems that the disasters from the beginning of the cataclysmic period are usually the strongest. Therefore, the reset may begin suddenly with a powerful blow. Chroniclers’ accounts show that earthquakes during the resets are different from those that occur normally. They can extend over large regions and last for a long time, even for days or weeks. During the reset, some places will experience significant land transformation. In some places there may be great landslides that change the course of rivers, and elsewhere hills will suddenly rise.

Map of volcanoes (red) and earthquakes (blue).

The most tragic earthquakes will occur in China, where they can cause several or even tens of millions of deaths. The number of people who will lose their homes and be displaced will be even greater. China has prepared vacant housing for 340 million people, and this number speaks for itself of the scale of the disasters they expect. Proportionally large losses (hundreds of thousands to over a million victims) may occur in such countries as: Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Indonesia, Japan, Italy, as well as in some smaller countries located in earthquake zones. Earthquakes will also occur in places where they do not normally occur, but they will be less intense.

Earthquakes beneath the oceans will trigger tsunami waves that will hit coastal areas. The tsunamis may reach a similar or slightly greater height than the one that formed in the Indian Ocean in 2004. Areas up to several kilometers from the coast are at risk.


At some point, there will be a massive earthquake and the tectonic plates will slide apart, creating a deep fissure. This can happen just as well on land as under the ocean. Ethiopia and southern Turkey are some of the likely places where it may begin. Toxic gases and plague bacteria will come out of the ground. The gases will kill the people living near the epicenter, especially those living low above sea level. One of the chroniclers wrote that the pestiferous air reached the cities located by the sea and in the valleys most quickly. The deadly pestilence will begin soon thereafter.

The Black Death began almost at the same time in India and Turkey. Next, in just a few weeks, it reached Constantinople, Alexandria, and port cities in Italy by sea. From there, it spread somewhat more slowly inland. The plague disease is spread by human contact and by wild animals (e.g., rodents). This time, too, the plague is likely to ravage the largest cities first. The Black Death swept through the world in the main wave for about 3–4 years. Today, the world is better connected, so the epidemic will likely need less time to spread across the earth. The Black Death lasted for about half a year in each city, with the greatest intensity lasting three months. We can expect it to be similar now. After the epidemic subsides, it may still recur for years and decades to come, but it will be weaker then.

The first symptoms of plague are usually nonspecific: fever, headache, chills, and extreme weakness. Besides, each type of plague has its own specific symptoms. Below are descriptions of the modern plague disease. The plague disease during the reset may be even worse.

(ref.)Bubonic plague affects the lymph nodes. Patients develop one or more swollen, painful lymph nodes, usually in the groin, armpit or neck. This form is transmitted through the bite of infected fleas or other animals, or exposure to infected material through a break in the skin. The bacteria multiply in a lymph node near the place where they entered the body. If the disease is not treated early, the bacteria can spread to other parts of the body and cause septicemic or pneumonic plague.

Bubonic plague disease

Pneumonic plague occurs when plague bacteria infect the lungs and cause a rapidly developing pneumonia. The disease is manifested by shortness of breath, chest pain, cough, and sometimes spitting or vomiting of blood. Nausea and abdominal pain may also occur. Pneumonic plague may develop from inhalation of infectious droplets from an animal or human. It may also develop from untreated bubonic or septicemic plague after the bacteria have spread to the lungs. The course of the disease is rapid. If not diagnosed and treated soon enough, typically within a few hours, it is almost always fatal within 1 to 6 days. Pneumonic plague is the most severe form of the disease and the only form of plague that can be transmitted from person to person. It causes coughing and thereby produces airborne droplets that contain extremely contagious bacterial cells that can infect anyone inhaling them.

Septicemic plague occurs when the plague bacteria multiply in the bloodstream. Patients go into shock and develop bleeding into the skin and other organs. The skin and other tissues may turn black and die, especially on fingers, toes, and the nose. Bumps form on the skin that look somewhat like insect bites; they are usually red, and sometimes white in the center. Patients often have gastrointestinal symptoms such as abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. Septicemic plague can occur as the first symptom of plague or may develop from untreated bubonic plague. Septicemic plague is also transmitted by the bite of infected fleas or other animals. This form of plague is often associated with delays in diagnosis and has a higher mortality rate than bubonic plague.

Septicemic plague disease

Pharyngeal plague infects the throat. It occurs following contamination of the throat with bacteria-infected materials such as undercooked meat from infected animals. Typical symptoms include inflammation of the throat and abnormal enlargement of lymph nodes in the head and neck.

Meningeal plague affects the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord. It typically occurs as a complication of delayed or inadequate treatment of another clinical form of plague and is characterized by neck stiffness, disorientation, and coma. About 6–10% of people infected with bubonic plague develop plague meningitis, which most commonly appear 9–14 days after the onset of acute plague infection.

Symptoms of bubonic plague usually appear 1 to 7 days after being infected. The incubation period of pneumonic plague is shorter – usually 1 to 3 days, but sometimes only a few hours. The incubation period of septicemic plague is poorly defined, but likely occurs within several days of exposure. For more information on the plague, see Wikipedia – Plague_(disease).

Nowadays, the mortality rate of the bubonic plague is 40–70% without treatment and as low as 1–15% in people treated with antibiotics. Pneumonic plague is almost always fatal if not treated quickly (90–95% mortality rate). However, with treatment, less than 20% of patients die. Septicemic plague is the least common of the three forms, with a mortality rate of nearly 100% in untreated people. In treated individuals, the mortality rate is up to 40%. Early treatment can reduce the mortality rate to 4–15%. People who survive the plague gain immunity. Re-infection is unlikely, and even if it occurs, it is rarely fatal.

In previous great plagues, about 1/3 of humanity died. This time the mortality rate is difficult to estimate, because it will depend on what the state will do and how many people will show enough intelligence to defend themselves against its hostile actions. At the moment, there are many indications that this time the mortality rate will be higher than ever before. I think China will try to keep the death toll as low as possible, while other countries will do the opposite.


Falling meteorites usually explode in the atmosphere and do not leave craters. Therefore, it is very difficult to estimate how many meteorites fell during previous resets. There were probably many more of them than were recorded in the chronicles. I predict that during the next reset, several dozen cosmic rocks the size of the Chelyabinsk meteorite or the Tunguska meteorite will fall to earth. However, we will probably only find out about a few of them, because the media will not report on them. Besides, many smaller meteorites will fall. The likelihood of any of them falling near you is very low. Interestingly, the risk of a meteorite impact is the highest at the equator and the lowest at the pole (42% lower than at the equator).(ref.)

The history of previous resets shows that an impact of big asteroid may occur, which will temporarily lower the temperature of the entire Earth. The period of cooling is most severe during the first 1–2 years, but it may continue with less intensity even for 20 years. History shows that the resulting reduction in crop yields can lead to famines that pose a greater threat to human lives than the meteorite impact itself. It is worth noting that asteroids take time to reach Earth from the asteroid belt, so there may be only few of them in the first year of the reset.

Weather anomalies

The period of calm climate to which we have become accustomed to is coming to an end. During the reset, some regions can expect long periods of rainy weather, while others will experience droughts. The anomalies will be geographically distributed in the pattern known from previous resets. Heavy rains will cause numerous floods. The downpours may be accompanied by intense thunderstorms, which will occur even in winter. If the pattern known from the Black Death period is repeated, then the drastic anomalies will begin in 2023 and end in late 2025. However, during the reset of the Justinianic Plague, a large asteroid fell at the end of the period of cataclysms, which further prolonged the anomalies. If a similar event repeats now, and this is very likely, then severe anomalies will extend into 2026.

After the reset, the Earth is likely to fall into another little ice age. The period of cold and drought may last for few hundred years. Over time, this may cause the collapse of the economy in some regions, as it used to be in the past. Interestingly, the two previous geological ages of the Holocene ended after about 4 thousand years. The present age has lasted just as long, so it can be said, that it is ready to end. Perhaps the upcoming reset will bring about such a drastic change in the climate that will mark a new age in the history of the Earth.


The most severe of the past resets have always resulted in famines in large areas, perhaps even worldwide. The reasons for the food shortages were that due to the plague, many peasants died out and others lost the will to live and stopped sowing the fields. The plague also killed whole herds of cows and other livestock. To make matters worse, there was a drastic climate collapse that led to widespread crop failures. Food was so scarce that, even though the population was greatly reduced by the epidemic, there was not enough food for everyone. There were cases of cannibalism in many countries.

Nowadays agriculture is much more efficient, but at the same time there are many more people to feed. Currently the world produces enough food for 10 billion people. Now we have a surplus, but when the climate collapses and animals die out, shortages will emerge very quickly. The extent of the shortages will depend on many factors, and it is impossible to predict whether large-scale starvation will occur. Much depends on how many people survive the plague. Much also depends on the actions that governments will take, and these are difficult to predict. It may seem that the rulers should counteract the food shortages to avoid a public revolt. However, we can already see that some countries have adopted policies that reduce food resources. For example, they have deliberately driven up the prices of chemical fertilizers to such a level that some farmers stopped using them, and this will reduce crop yields. In the USA, some farmers have been ordered to destroy their crops before harvest. The authorities are offering farmers a sum of $3800 for each acre destroyed, and threatening to reverse subsidies if they do not comply with this order.(ref.) I think that the authorities want to reduce food resources so that they can force people to accept the new rules of life. When shortages occur, the authorities may seize food directly from farmers and stores, justifying this by saving citizens. Then they will be distributing food to people, but only to those who have received the mRNA injection and will accept further new solutions. Those who have not taken the injection will neighter receive any state aid, nor will be able to buy food anywhere. In this way, the state will become a savior in the eyes of those who support the system, and at the same time get rid of the anti-sytem people. This would also explain why the fake coronavirus pandemic was carried out in such a way that critical thinking people could easily spot the hoax, and in music videos there were even open calls to wake up. I think that the authorities wanted to separate thinking people from the rest of society in this way, so that they could then be easily eliminated.

Consider also that when a large part of society realizes the threat of shortages, then many people will start stockpiling, and that alone will lead to a shortage of food in stores. It is difficult to predict whether there will be famine in the developed countries and how long it will last. If international trade is maintained, rich countries will be able to import food even during shortages. However, trade may be halted at any time if the government decides so. Farmers who produce food for themselves will certainly feed themselves. Those who have a lot of money will buy something to eat even in times of famine. They will just pay more. But for poor countries and poor people, starvation can be a serious problem. Food prices, which are already at record highs will surely go up in the coming years.

Next chapter:

World infowar