Reset 676

  1. 52-year cycle of cataclysms
  2. 13th cycle of cataclysms
  3. Black Death
  4. Justinianic Plague
  5. Dating of Justinianic Plague
  6. Plagues of Cyprian and Athens
  1. Late Bronze Age collapse
  2. 676-year cycle of resets
  3. Abrupt climate changes
  4. Early Bronze Age collapse
  5. Resets in prehistory
  6. Summary
  7. Pyramid of power
  1. Rulers of foreign lands
  2. War of classes
  3. Reset in pop culture
  4. Apocalypse 2023
  5. World infowar
  6. What to do

676-year cycle of resets

In the first chapter I proved that the 52-year cycle of cataclysms actually exists and that its cause lies in the cosmos. According to Aztec legend, these most powerful cataclysms (resets) usually came every 676 years. In the previous chapters we have learned the history of several resets, and it has turned out that some of them actually occurred at such intervals. Now it is time to investigate the cause of the cyclical recurrence of the disasters. None of the known planets orbit the Sun or pass the Earth in cycles of 52 or 676 years. So let’s check if there might be an unknown celestial body (Planet X) in the Solar System that causes cataclysms on Earth.

The gravitational influence of celestial bodies on the Earth is most easily observed by the example of tides. The two celestial bodies that have the greatest influence on tidal waves are the Sun (because it is the most massive) and the Moon (because it is the closest to the Earth). The distance is crucial. If the Moon were twice as far away, its influence on tidal waves would be 8 times less. Although the Moon attracts the Earth, this attraction is not strong enough to cause earthquakes. If the cause of cyclic disasters is a celestial body, it must definitely be larger than the Moon. So asteroids or comets are excluded. Their influence would be much too weak.

If this is a planet, then its impact on the Earth will only be strong enough if it passes very close or if it is very massive. And here comes the problem. Both a nearby planet and a massive planet would be visible to the naked eye. For example, while the gravitational interaction of Venus or Jupiter on Earth are negligible, both planets are clearly visible in the night sky. Even if the causer of the cataclysms were a very high-density celestial body such as a brown dwarf, it would still have to pass fairly close for its gravitational effect to be significant. It would be visible from Earth as an object at least 1/3 the size of the Moon. It would certainly be noticed by everyone, and yet there are no historical records of an unknown object appearing in the sky every 52 years.

As you can see, it is not easy to find the cause of cyclic disasters. Medieval scientists suspected that the cause of the Black Death was the fateful arrangement of the planets. Such a cause was already suspected by Aristotle, who linked the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn to the depopulation of nations. Modern scientists firmly deny the possibility that the arrangement of the planets could have any influence on the Earth. So whom should we believe? Well, I believe only myself. So I think it’s best if I check for myself whether the planets have anything to do with it. And you control if I am not making any mistakes in this.

20-year planetary cycle

Let’s see if the arrangement of the planets has anything to do with the 676-year cycle of resets. We will not consider the arrangement of the four small planets here, because they orbit the Sun in a very short time (e.g. Mercury – 3 months, Mars – 2 years). Their positions change too quickly to be the cause of the period of cataclysms lasting for 2 years. Therefore, we will examine only the arrangement of the four great planets. If the resets occur every 676 years, and if they have anything to do with the arrangement of the planets, then a similar arrangement should reoccur every 676 years. Let’s see if this is the case. The figure below shows the position of the planets in the years 1348 and 2023, that is 676 years (excluding leap days) later. Note that in both cases the arrangement of the planets is almost identical! In 676 years, the planets have circled the Sun many times (Jupiter 57 times, Saturn 23 times, Uranus 8 times, and Neptune 4 times), and yet they all returned to a very similar position. And this is very puzzling!

Jupiter – Jupiter, Saturn – Saturn, Uranus – Uranus, Neptune – Neptune.
The pictures are from To be able to enter a year smaller than 1800 in this tool, open Developer Tools (shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+C), click the year selection field, and then in the page source code change the value min="1800".

The planets in this image are moving counterclockwise (to the left). We can see that the positions of Neptune and Uranus are slightly different in both years, but Jupiter and Saturn returned to almost exactly the same place! If I suspected any planets of affecting the Earth, I would first suspect these two gas giants – Jupiter and Saturn. They are the largest planets, plus they are the closest to us. So I will focus on these two planets. If Uranus and Neptune somehow interact with Earth, it is probably with less force.

Jupiter orbits the Sun in about 12 years, and Saturn in about 29 years. Once in about 20 years the two planets pass each other. They then line up with the Sun, which is called a conjunction. During the period of cataclysms of the Black Death, Jupiter and Saturn were arranged in such a position to form an angle with the Sun that ranged from about 50° (in 1347) to about 90° (two years later). A similar arrangement of the two planets is repeated each time about 2.5–4.5 years after the conjunction of the two planets. This happens every 20 years, which is not that rare. Over the course of 676 years a similar arrangement will be repeated as many as 34 times. However, we do not have 34 resets during this period, but only one. Does this mean that we should discard the thesis that the position of the planets is responsible for the resets? Well, not necessarily, because although a similar arrangement of Jupiter and Saturn occurs 34 times in 676 years, only once in this period it coincides with the period of cataclysms defined by the 52-year cycle. The figure below best illustrates what I mean.

The figure shows the two cycles side by side. The 13 repetitions of the 52-year cycle are shown in yellow. The vertical lines on the yellow background are 2-year periods when cataclysms occur in the 52-year cycle. Shown in blue are the 34 repetitions of the 20-year cycle of Jupiter and Saturn arrangement. The vertical lines here represent the period when this suspicious arrangement of the two planets occurs. We assume that at the start, the beginnings of both cycles overlap. Then we look at what happens next. We see that the two cycles diverge over time, and at the end, after 13 repetitions of the 52-year cycle, or 676 years, the ends of both cycles again occur at the same time. Such a convergence is repeated every 676 years. So there is some phenomenon in space that repeats itself every 676 years. Only every 676 years does a certain suspicious arrangement of Jupiter with Saturn occur at the same time as the cataclysmic period of the 52-year cycle. The planetary arrangement alone does not cause resets, but I can make the thesis that when such an arrangement occurs during the period of cataclysms, then these cataclysms become much stronger; they are turning into resets. I think such a thesis is already crazy enough to be worth testing!

At first, we need to calculate very precisely how long it takes to the two cycles – the 52-year cycle of cataclysms and the 20-year cycle of planetary arrangement – to overlap again.

Jupiter orbits the Sun in 4332.59 Earth days (about 12 years).
Saturn orbits the Sun in 10759.22 Earth days (about 29 years).
From the formula: 1/(1/J-1/S),(ref.) we can calculate that the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn happens precisely every 7253.46 Earth days (nearly 20 years).
We also know that the 52-year cycle is exactly 365 * 52 days, that is 18980 days.

Let’s divide 18980 by 7253.46 and we get 2.617.
This means that 2.617 cycles of 20-years will pass in one 52-year cycle. So 2 full cycles and 0.617 (or 61.7%) of the third cycle will pass. The third cycle will not pass fully, so its end will not coincide with the end of the 52-year cycle. A reset will here not occur.
In the next 52 years, another 2.617 cycles of 20 years will pass. So, in total, during 104 years, 5.233 cycles of 20-years will pass. That is, Jupiter and Saturn will pass each other 5 times and they will be 23.3% of the way to where they will pass each other for the 6th time. So the 6th cycle will not be fully completed, which means that the reset will not take place here either.
Let’s repeat these calculations for 13 iterations of the 52-year cycles. The results of the calculations are shown in the table. These are the same cycles as in the figure above, but represented by numbers.

The column on the left shows the years. With each row, we move in time by 52 years, or one 52-year cycle.
The middle column shows how many 20-year conjunction cycles will pass during that time. Each successive number is greater by 2.617, because this is how many 20-year cycles fit into one 52-year cycle.
The column on the right shows the same as the one in the middle, but without the integers. We only take the part after the decimal comma and express it as a percentage. This column shows us how much fraction of the 20-year conjunction cycle will pass. We start from zero. Below that, we see large fractions. This means that the 20-year cycle and the 52-year cycle diverge. At the very bottom, after 676 years, the table shows a discrepancy of 1.7%. This means that the two cycles are shifted relative to each other by only 1.7%. This is a number close to zero, which means that the ends of both cycles match almost exactly. There is a great risk of a reset occurrence here.

You can notice that there is a catch here. Both cycles do overlap admittedly very accurately – the shift after 676 years is only 1.7% of the 20-year cycle (i.e., about 4 months). That’s not much, so we can consider both cycles to overlap. But if we extend the calculation by another 676 years, the difference will double. It will be 3.4%. This is still not much. However, after a few passes of the 676-year cycle, this difference will be significant and the cycles will eventually stop overlapping. Thus, in this scheme, it is not possible for the cycle of resets to repeat every 676 years indefinitely. A cycle like this may work for some time, but eventually it will break down and cease to be regular.

Table of years

Nonetheless, it would not hurt to see how the long-term course of the two cycles looks like. I have created a table that is based on the same calculations as the first table. I chose the year 2024 as the starting year. In each subsequent row, the year is 52 years earlier. The table shows the discrepancy of the cycles during the periods of cataclysms of the last 3.5 thousand years. If we assume that the reset is caused by the overlap of the 20-year cycle and the 52-year cycle, then the resets should occur whenever the discrepancy between the two cycles is small. The years with a small discrepancy are marked in yellow. I encourage all researchers and doubters to look at the spreadsheet from which this table is derived. You can check for yourself whether I have calculated this data correctly.

Reset 676 spreadsheetbackup, backup

Open the table in a new tab

Now I will discuss the results from the table. I am starting with the year 2024. I assume that here the divergence of the two cycles is zero and that there will be a reset in that year. Now we will test whether this assumption is correct.


In 1348, the divergence of the cycles is small at 1.7%, so there should be a reset here. This is, of course, the year in which the Black Death plague prevailed.


We look below and find the year 933. Here the discrepancy is 95.0%. This is only 5% short of the full cycle, so the discrepancy is quite small. I marked this field in light yellow, because I consider a 5% discrepancy to be the limit value. I do not know if there should be a reset here or not. In 933, there was neither pestilence nor a great cataclysm, so it turns out that 5% is too much.


Another reset should have happened in 673 AD, and indeed there was a global cataclysm in that year! The chronology of that period is very questionable, but I managed to show that the powerful reset associated with the Justinianic Plague occurred exactly in that year! There were huge earthquakes, an asteroid impact, a climate collapse, and then the plague pandemic began. History has been distorted to hide the date and course of these events.


We proceed to the next reset from the table of years. Do you see the same thing as I do? The cycle has switched. According to the table, the next reset should not be 676 years earlier, but 416 years earlier, in the year 257 AD. And it just so happens that this is exactly when the Plague of Cyprian occurred! Orosius dates it to 254 AD, maybe a year or two later. And the first mention of the pestilence in Alexandria appears in a letter to the brothers Dometius and Didymus, dated to circa 259 AD. So the date of the plague coincides very closely with the indications of the table. What were the chances that the cycle would suddenly change its frequency and accidentally indicate the actual year of the plague? Perhaps, 1 in 100? It is almost impossible for this to be a coincidence. We have confirmation that the resets are indeed caused by the arrangement of Jupiter and Saturn!

4 BC

We move on. The table shows that in 4 BC the discrepancy was 5.1%, so just outside the risk limit. There should be no reset here, and indeed there is no information in history that there were any significant cataclysms at that time.

419 BC

According to the table, the next reset should occur 676 years before the Plague of Cyprian, that is in 419 BC. As we know, around this time another great epidemic broke out – the Plague of Athens! Thucydides writes that the plague reached Athens in the second year of the Peloponnesian War, after having been in many other places before. Historians date the beginning of this war to 431 BC. However, Orosius’s chronicle shows that the war may have begun in 419 BC. The plague should have started around the same time. The conclusion is that when Orosius wrote his book, that is, at the end of antiquity, the correct year of the Peloponnesian War was still known. But then history was falsified to hide the existence of the cycle of resets. The cycle does really exist, and has once again pinpointed the year of the reset with remarkable accuracy! This cannot be a coincidence. We have another confirmation! The 676-year cycle of resets has been deciphered!

1095 BC

Another cataclysm would be expected again 676 years earlier, that is in 1095 BC. Here, the divergence of the cycles is very small – only 0.1%. This value indicates that this reset should be extremely strong. And as we know, exactly in the year indicated by the table, the sudden and deep collapse of the Late Bronze Age civilization begins! We have the final confirmation that the 676-year cycle of resets really exists and is caused by the arrangement of Jupiter and Saturn.

The 676-year cycle of resets is the result of a combination of the 52-year cycle of cataclysms and the 20-year cycle of the arrangement of Jupiter and Saturn. It turns out that this combination creates a pattern that perfectly matches the years of the greatest disasters and pandemics in history. Resets do not always occur every 676 years, sometimes this period is 416 years. The cycle is very precise and sensitive to even the slightest changes. For example, if the 52-year cycle of 18980 days was shortened by just 4 days, that would be enough to break the pattern. The cycle would then indicate that there should have been a reset in the year 4 BC, and that would no longer correspond to reality. Or if the duration of the 20-year cycle was calculated based on the basis of outdated data on the orbital periods of the planets, which can be found in old textbooks and which differ only slightly, that would also be enough to make the cycle to stop working. Only this one, very precise combination of cycles gives a pattern of resets that perfectly matches the historical resets. Anyway, above you have a link to the spreadsheet with the calculations, where you can check it all out for yourself.

I set the cycle so that it indicates the year 1348 as the year of the reset. However, the other four years of resets has been indicated by the cycle. And all four were hit! We can assume that the probability of guessing the correct year of a reset by chance is about 1 in 100. As a precaution, it is always better to take a slightly higher probability. But even then, as it is easy to calculate, the probability of randomly hitting all four years of the resets will certainly be less than one in a million. This is basically impossible! The cycle of resets exists and clearly points to 2024 as the year of the next reset! And worst of all, the magnitude of the upcoming reset may be even greater than the one of the Black Death pandemic. I am about to present to you my theory, which will explain what is the reason that this particular arrangement of Jupiter and Saturn has the power to reset the civilization.

Magnetic field

I have taken the information on the magnetic fields of celestial bodies mainly from Wikipedia: Earth’s magnetic field, Magnetosphere of Jupiter, Magnetosphere of Saturn, and Heliospheric current sheet.

We already know that Jupiter and Saturn cause cataclysms on Earth when they arrange in a certain position. Now I will try to find out the reason why this happens. I have a theory for that. I believe that the cause of the cataclysms is the influence of the magnetic field of these planets and the Sun. However, before I present my theory, let’s get acquainted with the generally available knowledge about the magnetic fields of planets.

A magnetic field is the space around a magnet where it interacts. The magnetic field cannot be seen, but can be felt. All you have to do is take two magnets in your hand and bring them closer together. At some point, you will feel the magnets begin to interact – they will attract or repel each other. The space where they interact with each other is where their magnetic field is.

Metals that are magnetized have a magnetic field, but a magnetic field can also be created. An electric current flowing through a conductor always creates a magnetic field around it. An electromagnet works on this principle. In electromagnets, the conductor is twisted into a spiral so that the electric current flows for as long as possible, creating a strong magnetic field. When the electromagnet is turned on, the electric current flowing through it creates a magnetic field that attracts metal objects. A flowing electric current creates a magnetic field, but the opposite is also true – a magnetic field produces an electric current. If you bring a magnet near a conductor and move it, then an electric current will begin to flow in the conductor.


An electric current flows in the inner layers of the Earth. This phenomenon creates a magnetic field around our planet (called a magnetosphere). Thus, the Earth is an electromagnet, and it is an electromagnet of enormous size. Many astronomical objects generate magnetospheres. In the Solar System these are: the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Ganymede. On the other hand, Venus, Mars, and Pluto, have no magnetic field. The Earth’s magnetosphere is represented by a field of a magnetic dipole, which is tilted at an angle of about 11° to the Earth’s rotational axis, as if there were a giant bar magnet placed at that angle through the center of the Earth.

The Earth and most planets, as well as the Sun and other stars, all generate magnetic fields through the motion of electrically conducting fluids. A moving electrically conducting material always creates a magnetic field around it. The Earth’s magnetic field is generated in the Earth’s outer core due to convection currents of molten iron and nickel. These convection currents are driven by heat escaping from the core, a natural process called a geodynamo. The magnetic field is generated by a feedback loop: electric current loops generate magnetic fields (Ampère’s circuital law); a changing magnetic field generates an electric field (Faraday’s law); and the electric and magnetic fields exert a force on the charges that are flowing in convection currents (the Lorentz force).


The magnetosphere of Jupiter is the largest and strongest planetary magnetosphere in the Solar System. It is an order of magnitude stronger than Earth’s, and its magnetic moment is approximately 18,000 times greater. The Jovian magnetosphere is so large that the Sun and its visible corona would fit inside it with room to spare. If it could be seen from Earth, it would appear five times larger than the full moon despite being nearly 1700 times farther away. On the opposite side of the planet, the solar wind stretches the magnetosphere into a long, trailing magnetotail, which sometimes extends far beyond the orbit of Saturn.

The mechanism that creates magnetic fields of this planet is not fully understood. It is believed that the magnetic fields of Jupiter and Saturn are generated by electric currents in the planets’ outer cores, which are composed of liquid metallic hydrogen.


Saturn’s magnetosphere is second only to Jupiter’s of all the planets in the Solar System. The boundary between Saturn’s magnetosphere and the solar wind is located at a distance of about 20 Saturn radii from the planet’s center, while its magnetotail stretches hundreds of Saturn radii behind it.

Saturn really stands out among the planets of the Solar System, and not just because of its magnificent system of rings. Its magnetic field is also peculiar. Unlike other planets with their inclined fields, Saturn’s magnetic field is almost perfectly symmetrical around its rotational axis. It is believed that magnetic fields around planets are only able to form when there is a significant inclination between the planet’s axis of rotation and the axis of the magnetic field. Such a tilt supports the convection currents in a layer of liquid metal deep inside the planet. However, the tilt of Saturn’s magnetic field is imperceptible, and with each successive measurement it appears to be even smaller. And this is remarkable.


The solar magnetic field extends far beyond the Sun itself. The electrically conductive solar wind plasma carries the Sun’s magnetic field out into space, forming the so-called interplanetary magnetic field. Plasma from coronal mass ejections travels at speeds ranging from less than 250 km/s to nearly 3,000 km/s, averaging 489 km/s (304 mi/s). As the Sun rotates, its magnetic field twists into an Archimedean spiral that extends through the whole solar system.

Unlike the shape of the magnetic field typical of a bar magnet, the Sun’s extended field is twisted into a spiral by the influence of the solar wind. An individual jet of solar wind emanating from a particular spot on the surface of the Sun rotates with the Sun’s rotation, creating a spiral pattern in space. The cause of the spiral shape is sometimes called the „garden sprinkler effect”, because it is compared to a lawn sprinkler with a nozzle that moves up and down as it spins. The stream of water represents the solar wind.

The magnetic field follows the same spiral shape in the northern and southern parts of the heliosphere, but with opposite field directions. These two magnetic domains are separated by a heliospheric current sheet (an electric current that is confined to a curved plane). This heliospheric current sheet has a shape similar to a twirled ballerina skirt. The purple layer seen in the picture above is a thin layer on which electric current flows. This layer separates the regions with the opposite direction of the magnetic field. That is, for example, above this layer the solar magnetic field is „north” (i.e., the field lines are facing the Sun), and below it is „south” (the field lines are facing away from the Sun). It will be easier to understand when we see the drawing showing the heliospheric current sheet in cross- section.

This is a schematic picture of the solar wind on the ecliptic plane. The yellow circle in the center corresponds to the Sun. The arrow shows the direction of the Sun’s rotation. The shaded gray areas correspond to the zones of the heliospheric current sheet which is depicted by dashed lines running from the corona to the periphery. It separates the two regions with different directions of magnetic field lines (from the Sun or to the Sun). The dotted circle represents the orbit of the planet.(ref.)

The heliospheric current sheet is the surface where the polarity of the Sun’s magnetic field changes from north to south. This field extends throughout the Sun’s equatorial plane in the heliosphere. An electric current flows within the sheet. The radial electric current in the circuit is on the order of 3 billion amperes. By comparison, the Birkeland currents that supply the aurora on Earth are more than a thousand times weaker at one million amperes. The maximum electric current density in the heliospheric current sheet is on the order of 10-4 A/km². Its thickness is about 10,000 km near the Earth’s orbit.

The heliospheric current sheet rotates along with the Sun with a period of about 25 days. During this time, the peaks and troughs of the sheet pass through the Earth’s magnetosphere, interacting with it.

Heliospheric Current Sheet, 2009 - video backup
Heliospheric Current Sheet, 2009

The following simulation shows the Earth’s magnetic field interacting with the interplanetary (solar) magnetic field.

My theory on the cause of cataclysms

Finally, it is time to try to explain the mechanism of disasters in the 52- and 676-year cycles. In my opinion, it has to do with the interplay between the magnetic fields of the planets and the Sun. Note that resets occur at the arrangement of Jupiter and Saturn, which occurs each time about 2.5–4.5 years after the conjunction of these planets. The arrangement of the planets is then such that it seems quite likely that both planets will be on the spiral formed by the heliospheric current sheet. The figure above helps to visualize this, although it is an auxiliary picture, which does not show the exact shape of the heliospheric current sheet in relation to the orbits of the planets. Also, in reality, the orbits of the planets do not lie exactly on the Sun’s equatorial plane, but are inclined to it by several degrees, which affects their position on the heliospheric current sheet. It is also worth noting that the planets themselves do not necessarily have to lie on the spiral line. It is enough that their magnetospheres lie on it, and, as we know, they have a shape strongly elongated in the direction opposite to the Sun. I think that local cataclysms (every 52 years) occur when one of the planets interacts with the Earth. And resets (every 676 years) occur when both planets interact simultaneously.

As we know, solar activity is cyclical. Every 11 years or so the Sun’s north and south magnetic poles swap places. This is caused by the cyclical movement of masses in the inner layers of the Sun, but the exact cause of the pole reversal is unknown. However, since something like this happens inside the Sun, it is probably not hard to imagine that something similar could happen inside the gas giants – Jupiter or Saturn. Perhaps one of the planets undergoes a regular magnetic poles reversal every 52 years and this affect the interplanetary magnetic field. I would suspect Saturn of this in the first place. Saturn is not quite a normal planet. It is some kind of freak, an unnatural creation. Saturn has an unusually symmetrical magnetic field. Also, what not everyone knows, there is a great and eternal cyclone at Saturn’s pole. This cyclone has the shape of... a regular hexagon.(ref.)

Scientists cannot explain the mechanism behind the formation of such an unusually regular cyclone. It is possible that it has to do with Saturn’s magnetic field. And since everything on this planet is so regular, it could be argued that Saturn reverses its magnetic poles every 52 years. From this, it can be deduced that during this pole reversal Saturn’s magnetic field is very unstable and variable like the magnetic field of a rotating magnet. When such a big magnet, of the size of Saturn’s magnetosphere, comes near an electric current conductor, that is the heliospheric current sheet, it generates an electric current in it. The strength of electric current in the heliospheric current sheet increases. Then the electric current flows over long distances and reaches other planets. The flow of electric current in the heliospheric current sheet creates a magnetic field around it. In the animation above, we saw how the Earth reacts when it falls into the heliospheric current sheet. It can be assumed that when the flow of electric current in the heliospheric current sheet increases, and with it the strength of its magnetic field increases, then it must have an even stronger impact on our planet.

The effect is as if a huge magnet were placed near the Earth. It is not difficult to imagine what happens then. The magnet acts on the Earth, stretching it. This causes earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. This magnet affects the entire solar system, including the asteroid belt. Asteroids, especially the iron ones, are attracted by it and knocked out of their trajectory. They start flying in random directions. Some of them fall on the Earth. The unusual meteor that bounced off the Earth’s atmosphere in 1972 may have been strongly magnetized and repelled by the Earth’s magnetic field. We know that the occurrence of magnetic storms is closely related to the cycle of cataclysms. Now we can explain their cause very easily. The interplanetary magnetic field disturbs the magnetic field on the surface of the Sun, and this leads to solar flares. The magnetic field theory explains the causes of all types of natural disasters that periodically strike the Earth.

I believe Saturn is the planet which wreaks havoc every 52 years. Saturn is the Planet X. Every 676 years, these cataclysms are especially strong, because that is when the two great planets – Saturn and Jupiter – simultaneously line up on the heliospheric current sheet. Jupiter has the strongest magnetic field of any planet. When its great magnetosphere enters the heliospheric current sheet, the flow of electric current in it increases. The interplanetary magnetic field then interacts with double force. The Earth is subjected to a double attack, so that local disasters turn into global resets.

Next chapter:

Abrupt climate changes